I am trying to use CLIPS.NET to integrate my CLIPS expert system with .Net App. The problem is that some of my facts that I use includes some Cyrillic strings.
When I got result back to .Net app from Clips. All Cyrillic strings are scrambled (see the picture below).
Code Sample (fullName here has Cyrillic symbols inside):
String findAllActiveMembers = "(find-all-facts ((?f Member )) (= ?f:isActive 1))";
MultifieldValue members = (MultifieldValue)clips.Eval(findAllActiveMembers);
foreach (FactAddressValue member in members) {
SymbolValue tag = (SymbolValue)member.GetSlotValue("tagName");
StringValue fullName = (StringValue)member.GetSlotValue("fullName");
this.factList.Items.Add(tag.Value + " " + fullName.Value);
What can I do to get them correctly? Clips IDE 6.4 works fine and shows these strings correctly
Thank you!
It's a bug in the code that's converting the C UTF-8 strings to .NET strings. To fix it, you'll need to make a change to the SingleFieldToPrimitiveValue method in the CLIPSNET_Values.cpp file. Replace these lines:
rv = gcnew StringValue(gcnew String(theCString));
rv = gcnew SymbolValue(gcnew String(theCString));
rv = gcnew InstanceNameValue(gcnew String(theCString));
With these:
rv = gcnew StringValue(gcnew String(theCString,0,strlen(theCString),UTF8Encoding::UTF8));
rv = gcnew SymbolValue(gcnew String(theCString,0,strlen(theCString),UTF8Encoding::UTF8));
rv = gcnew InstanceNameValue(gcnew String(theCString,0,strlen(theCString),UTF8Encoding::UTF8));
You can also download the file here: https://sourceforge.net/p/clipsrules/code/HEAD/tree/branches/64x/windows/MVS_2017/CLIPSCLRWrapper/Source/Integration/CLIPSNET_Values.cpp