This is kind of a run-on from an older question I had here where Michael Kay supplied a great XQuery solution to sorting my xml file. However I am now hoping to use the same code and have it ignore "The" as a first word in a name while sorting but not remove it from the file.
Here is the Code provided by Michael:
for $i in //item order by $i/name return $i
I have been googling the death out of this for a long time. I canno even figure out what the proper term is when "The" is used as the first word in a title or name. It must have a name lol. Thank you for any help yet again team. Appreciate all the help you guys provide.
To ignore “The” in your title, just add a new variable with the adjusted title, and use this in your order by
for $i in //item
let $name-sort-key :=
if (starts-with($i/name, "The ")) then
substring-after($i/name, "The ")
order by $name-sort-key