I am currently working on a cython project.
After following some tutorials, I was able to build in place
cython, then use sphinx build with the line
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../')) # path to my_package
in my conf.py to make it work.
Unfortunately, I need to delete this line to make it work with readthedocs as suggested here: how to document cython function on readthedocs.
My question is, what is the best practice to build documentation on read the docs and locally with the same code?
read-the-docs creates a venv, pip install requirements, install the cython project and then run sphinx-build
I would like to avoid doing the same locally because this is time consuming. Is there antoher way? Which one is the best practice?
Always create and use a virtual environment. venv
is a tool in Python 3 that creates a virtual environment, so one does not "create a venv". Install packages and your project into the virtual environment.
# create and change working directory
mkdir ~/projects/myproject
cd ~/projects/myproject
# create a virtual environment for your project
python3 -m venv env
# activate the virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
# optionally upgrade packaging tools
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
# install your package in editable mode into your virtual environment
pip install -e .
# install other packages into your virtual environment
pip install sphinx another_package one_more_package
Now do all your Sphinx stuff and follow the rest of the instructions at the link you provided in your question.