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Copy Jump List Shortcuts to Disk

Is there a way to copy Window 7 Jump List Shortcuts or File Names to disk?

Can Powershell be used?

I want to do this because my Jump List keeps getting cleared out like mentioned in this posting:

If I can back up the Shortcuts or File Names, then I will at least know what files I need to add back to the Jump List when it gets cleared out.


  • Your Jump list files are located in %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\CustomDestinations and %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations. If the files are copied in the folder, the jump list items will appear again.

    Powershell can, indeed, be used to copy the files to a backup destination and then be copied back when desirable.

    If you wish to keep your jump list from being cleared, you may want to make sure Recent files are not cleared from your system.