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Pattern match does not work in bash script

Using the pattern match !("file1") does not work within a bash script but will work on the command line.

For example:

ls  !("file1"|"file2")

This will list all files in directory except file1 and file2.

When that line is executed in a script this error is displayed:

./ line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./ line 1: ` ls  !("file1"|"file2") ' 

Regardless what is used rm -v !("file1"). The same error takes place. What is going on here why does this not work in a script?


  • The extended glob syntax you are trying to use is turned off by default; you have to enable it separately in each script where you want to use it.

    shopt -s extglob

    Scripts should not use ls though I imagine you were using it merely as a placeholder here.