When writing data to gsheets with pygsheets - one of my values contains a +
char. e.g. +myvalue
When then exporting the data, I get the #NAME?
output, instead of the background value., of course the formula bar contains the right value.
This is not completely unexpected, however - when use the sheets method and manually import a CSV containing these values - the #NAME?
error is not displayed, and instead I can see the +myvalue in the field. (Unless I edit it.)
This is my code for "importing" the csv - of course it's just reading the csv and loading values:
# Authorise with GSheets Service Account
gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file=service_account_file)
# Open spreadsheet
sh = gc.open_by_key(spreadsheet_key)
# Open Worksheet
#wks = sh.add_worksheet(spreadsheet_hosts_worksheet) # Create Worksheet
wks = sh.worksheet_by_title(worksheet_name)
# Generate list "data" with Values from CSV
with open(inputFile, 'r') as f:
#reader = csv.reader(f, skipinitialspace=True, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
data = list(reader)
# Empty Worksheet
# Append Values
wks.update_values(crange='A1', values=data)
# Freeze Top Row
Can I change the updating method, so that it takes formulas like text - same way a CSV import
function on GSheets
My sample data:
['host_name', 'alias', 'address', 'parents', 'use', 'display_name', 'hostgroups', 'contacts', '_ADDINFO', '_SNOWGROUP', '_RTTCRIT', '_RTTWARN', 'contact_groups', 'notes', 'notes_url', 'check_command', 'first_notification_delay', 'check_interval', 'max_check_attempts', 'retry_interval', 'config_filename']
['host', 'destiny islands', '', 'host.mypalace.com,host.mapalace2.com', 'tmpl_network_device', 'Gingerbread lane', 'hgrp_grandad', '+myvalue', 'ACTION - Don't forget to smile', 'test', '70', '20', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '/folder/filename']
How about using parse=False
When I saw the script, the default is parse=True
. In this case, valueInputOption
. When parse=False
is used, valueInputOption
uses RAW
. By this, +myvalue
doesn't #NAME?
wks.update_values(crange='A1', values=[['+myvalue']]) # ---> #NAME? is put in a cell "A1"
wks.update_values(crange='A2', values=[['+myvalue']], parse=False) # ---> +myvalue is put in a cell "A2"