I like to save portions of the original text file, which can be identified in between 'startswith' and 'endswith' strings, into a new text file.
Example: The input text file contains following lines:
...starts with string...
...ends with string...
...starts with string...
...ends with string...
I am interested to extract the following lines into output text file:
starts with string...def...ends with string
starts with string...mno...ends with string
My following code returns empty list [ ]. Please help correct my code.
with open('file_in.txt','r') as fi:
id = []
for ln in fi:
if ln.startswith("start with string"):
if ln.endswith("ends with string"):
with open(file_out.txt, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as fo:
fo.write (",".join(id))
I expect the file.out.txt to contain, all strings which start with the "start with string" and end with the "ends with string".
At the end of each line there is a character to tell the computer to show a new row. I am assuming here that "start with string" and "ends with string" are on the same line. If this is not the case add --"id.append(ln[:])"-- directly below the first if statement.
ln.endswith("ends with string"+'\n' )
ln.endswith("ends with string"+'\n' +'\r')
with open('C:\\Py\\testing.txt','r') as fi:
id = []
x = 0
copy_line = False
for ln in fi:
if "starts with string" in ln:
copy_line = True
if copy_line:
id.append ( ln[:] )
if "ends with string" in ln :
copy_line = False
with open ('C:\\Py\\testing_out.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8' ) as fo:
fo.write (",".join(id))