I'm trying to display a bunch of lines from a text file as a table. The text file looks something like this:
capital|What is the capital of Egypt?|Cairo|3
pi|What is pi to two digits?|3.14|3
dozen|How many eggs in a dozen?|12|1
president|Who was the first president?|Washington|1
I'd like to have my code spit out a formatted output that would look something like this:
capital What is the capital of Egypt? Cairo 3
pi What is pi to two digits? 3.14 3
dozen How many eggs in a dozen? 12 1
president Who was the first president? Washington 1
Here's the code I've come up with, but the output is nowhere near looking like the way I want it to.
f = open('quest_load.txt', 'r')
contents = f.read()
contents1 = contents.replace('|',' ')
Loop through the data once, to discover the maximum width of each column:
with open('quest_load.txt', 'r') as f:
for i, line in enumerate(f):
if i == 0:
max_widths = [len(col) for col in line.split('|')]
max_widths = [
max(len(col), curr_max)
for col, curr_max in zip(line.split('|'), max_widths)
Then loop again to print the columns, formatting each column according to max width:
with open('quest_load.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
content = line.split('|')
formatted = [
f'{substr: <{width}}'
for substr, width in zip(content, max_widths)
print('\t'.join(formatted), end='')
capital What is the capital of Egypt? Cairo 3
pi What is pi to two digits? 3.14 3
dozen How many eggs in a dozen? 12 1
president Who was the first president? Washington 1