Search code examples

How can I add a loading gif while my nw.js application reads a csv file?

When I trigger a click event, my nw.js app starts processing an array of data previously read from a CSV file. Often this takes some time and the page freezes. I want to add a loadingGif to prevent the user to think the app crashed.

Here is the click event (using JQuery).

$("#submitBtn").click({dataArr}, function(event){

    // erases the content of <tbody>

    // take the inputs from the user
    let activeFilters = createActiveFilters()

    // use the inputs to filter through a csv file
    let filteredReportsList = filterLines(activeFilters, dataArr)

    // show the results inside <tbody>

    // apply zebra rows


1 - I tried to use a function to add the image before the processing part, and another function to remove it **after the processing **. The page freezes and only returns when all the processing is done. So adding or removing the image is useless.

2 - I tried using async functions and it didn't work neither.

// async function
let searchReports = async (dataArr) => {
    let activeFilters = await createActiveFilters()
    let filteredReportsList = await filterLines(activeFilters, dataArr)

    return filteredReportsList

// click event
$("#submitBtn").click({dataArr}, function(event){



    searchReports(dataArr).then(filteredReportsList => {




3 - I tried using a CSS animation, instead of a gif image. I successfully change the class, but the animation doesn't show up because the style of the class only changes after the processing.

I don't know what else to do. I appreciate any help! :)`


Here is addLoadingGif

function addLoadingGif () {

Edit2: To make this easier I created gists for the template HTML and javascript files I'm using. But it's documented in pt-br, sorry.

Template HTML from my nw.js app

Javascript file from my nw.js app

Edit3: added the third try above.


  • So, I took an JQuery Ajax course and applied to my problem and it worked!!

    I used a $.get() function. Before calling it I toggle the visibility of my css loading animation and after $.get is done, I toggle again the visibility of my css loading animation.

    Here's the code

    $('#submitBtn').click({dataArr, reportsType}, (e) => {
        // show gif
        let activeFilters = createActiveFilters()
        $.get(`../../assets/csv/${fileName}`, (rawCsv) => {
            // I transfered the csv processing inside the get callback
            dataArr = processRawCsv(rawCsv)
            let filteredReportsList = filterLines(activeFilters, dataArr)
            showFilteredLines(filteredReportsList, reportsType)
            // -------------------------------------------------------
        .fail(() => {
        .always(() => {
            // hide gif