I'm trying to check the equailty of uint8_t
type when I press a button on my Arduino shield. I understand the type is an unsigned integer, but the code never enters the if statement even though I get the print statement "Button pressed: 0"
Can anyone tell me why?
#include <MFShield.h>
MFShield mfs ;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
mfs.onKeyPress( [](uint8_t button){
if (button == 0 || button == 0x00 || button == '0')
Serial.println("Button pressed: " + String(button));
void loop() {
As already mentioned in comments
button == 0
and button == 0x00
are the same thing. So one can be omitted.
button == '0'
doesn't make sense as '0'
is 48
. This will never be true in your program.
From what I see in the source code of the MFShield librarie's source code the described behaviour should not be possible.
// Keys polling
if (onKeyPress_func != NULL && time - t_buttons >= MFS_BUTTONS_POLLING_INTERVAL_MS)
t_buttons = time;
uint8_t key_mask = 0;
for (uint8_t i=0; i < 3; i++)
key_mask |= (!digitalRead(KEY_PIN[i]) << i);
if (key_mask != key_mask_pre)
if (key_mask != 0)
key_mask_pre = key_mask;
onKeyPress_func (ffs(key_mask));
key_mask_pre = 0;
The code checks all 3 buttons and sets a bit in key_mask for each button pressed.
The callback function onKeyPress_func
you provided is only called when key_mask
is unequal 0 and when the key state has changed since last checked.
So using this code you should never get the print "Button pressed: 0" as you claim. Your button
cannot become 0
. It is either
For the same reason you'll never enter your if statement.