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How to export data from multidimentional array to csv

Im traying to export some data to csv. I can print the data in the web but when i save it to a csv file it shows this:

Column 1,"Column 2"
Array,"Acme (Sample)",0011U00000AnbfaQAB
Array,"Global (Sample)",0011U00000AnbfbQAB

How can i get rid of the "Array,"?

I get the data here and print it:

foreach ($records as $record)
print 'Name :';
print htmlspecialchars($record['Name']);
print ' - ';
print htmlspecialchars($record['Id']);
print '<br/>';
print "\n";

This is a code to save the data to csv:

$file = fopen('toNavasoft.csv', 'w');

// save the column headers
fputcsv($file, array('Column 1', 'Column 2'));

// save each row of the data
foreach ($records as $record)
fputcsv($file, $record);

// Close the file

I just added this:

var_export ($records);

and the output is:

array ( 0 => array ( 'attributes' => array ( 'type' => 'Account', 'url' => '/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account/0011U00000AnbfaQAB', ), 'Name' => 'Acme (Sample)', 'Id' => '0011U00000AnbfaQAB', ), 1 => array ( 'attributes' => array ( 'type' => 'Account', 'url' => '/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account/0011U00000AnbfbQAB', ), 'Name' => 'Global (Sample)', 'Id' => '0011U00000AnbfbQAB', ), )

I expect the output like:

Column 1,Column 2
Acme (Sample),0011U00000AnbfaQAB
Global (Sample),0011U00000AnbfbQAB


  • You can use the fputcsv , uing the code bellow :

    $result = array(['column1', 'column2']);
     foreach($records as $record){
      $result[] = [$record['Name'],$record['Id']];
    $fp = fopen('toNavasoft.csv', 'w');
    foreach ($result as $fields) {
        fputcsv($fp, $fields);

    The point here is to select the data you want to persist in the cv file into $result variable and then continue what you already try to do .

    Hope this help you.