Search code examples

Using an api call value as background image to a div in my Angular app

I'm creating a movie searching app and need to use an image as the background of a div. I get the url for the background image from an api call.

I tried this

<div *ngFor="let movie of movies.results">
    class="thumbnail" style="background-image: 
    -- id: {{ }} -- name: {{ movie.title }}

this is the warning I get

WARNING: sanitizing unsafe style value background-image: url(

and the image doesn't display.

I then try this on one of the values to see if it'll work

this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(`"${this.movies.results[0].poster_path} `);

but I still run into the same problem??

I then tried this

background-image: [ngStyle]="{'background-image': 'url('+object.image+')'}"

Still no luck.

Anybody know how I can solve this problem?## Heading ##


  • It looks like you were really close with using the DomSanitizer and bypassSecurityTrustUrl. I believe using the same approach but using bypassSecurityTrustStyle should solve the problem for you.

    <div *ngFor="let movie of movies.results">
        class="thumbnail" [style.background-image]="getSafeStyle(movie.poster_path)"
        -- id: {{ }} -- name: {{ movie.title }}
    getSafeStyle(url: string) {
      return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle('url(\'' + url + '\')');