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Fix Piechart label overlap using C3/D3

Based on my original Problem ( C3/D3 pie legend format / label overlap ) I have attempted to apply a bugfix originally created for flot to the C3 piechart. In principal it seems to work, a collsion is detected and the label is being moved but the positioning seems to be incorrect. Here ist some sample code to show the problem

var columns = ['data11', 'data2', 'data347', 'data40098', 'data777'];
var data = [150, 250, 300, 50, 50];
var colors = ['#0065A3', '#767670', '#D73648', '#7FB2CE', '#00345B'];
var padding = 5;

var chart = c3.generate({
  data: {
    columns: [
    type: 'pie',
  legend: {
    position: 'right',
    show: true
  pie: {
    label: {
      threshold: 0.001,
      format: function(value, ratio, id) {
        return [id, d3.format(",.0f")(value), "[" + d3.format(",.1%")(ratio) + "]"].join(';');
  color: {
    pattern: colors
  onrendered: function() {

function addLabelBackground(index) {
  //get label text element
  var textLabel =".c3-target-" + columns[index] + " > text");
  //add rect to parent
  var labelNode = textLabel.node();
  if (labelNode /*&& labelNode.innerHTML.length > 0*/ ) {
    var p ="rect", "text")
      .style("fill", colors[index]);

for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
  if (i > 0) {

    setTimeout(function(column) {
        columns: [

    }, (i * 5000 / columns.length), i);
  } else {

function redrawLabelBackgrounds() {
  function isOverlapping(pos1, pos2) {
    /*isOverlapping = (x1min < x2max AND x2min < x1max AND y1min < y2max AND y2min < y1max)
										 * x1min = pos1[0][0]
										 * x1max = pos1[0][1]
										 * y1min = pos1[1][0]
										 * y1max = pos1[1][1]
										 * x2min = pos2[0][0]
										 * x2max = pos2[0][1]
										 * y2min = pos2[1][0]
										 * y2max = pos2[1][1]
										 * isOverlapping = (pos1[0][0] < pos2[0][1] AND pos2[0][0] < pos1[0][1] AND pos1[1][0] < pos2[1][1] AND pos2[1][0] < pos1[1][1])
    return (pos1[0][0] < pos2[0][1] && pos2[0][0] < pos1[0][1] && pos1[1][0] < pos2[1][1] && pos2[1][0] < pos1[1][1]);

  function getAngle(pos) {
    //Q1 && Q4
    if ((pos[0] > 0 && pos[1] >= 0) || (pos[0] > 0 && pos[1] > 0)) {
      return Math.atan(pos[0] / pos[1]);
    else if (pos[0] < 0 && pos[1] >= 0) {
      return Math.atan(pos[0] / pos[1]) + Math.PI;
    else if (pos[0] < 0 && pos[1] <= 0) {
      return Math.atan(pos[0] / pos[1]) - Math.PI;
    // x = 0, y>0
    else if (pos[0] === 0 && pos[1] > 0) {
      return Math.PI / 2;
    // x = 0, y<0
    else if (pos[0] === 0 && pos[1] < 0) {
      return Math.PI / -2;
    // x= 0, y = 0
    else {
      return 0;

  //for all label texts drawn yet
  var labelSelection ='#chart').selectAll(".c3-chart-arc > text");

  //first put all label nodes in one array
  var allLabels = [];
  labelSelection.each(function() {
  //then check and modify labels
  labelSelection.each(function(v) {
    // get d3 node
    var label =;
    var labelNode = label.node();
    //check if label is drawn
    if (labelNode) {
      var bbox = labelNode.getBBox();
      var labelTextHeight = bbox.height;
      if (labelNode.childElementCount === 0 && labelNode.innerHTML.length > 0) {
        //build data
        var data = labelNode.innerHTML.split(';');
        data.forEach(function(i, n) {
            .attr("dy", (n === 0) ? 0 : "1.2em")
            .attr("x", 0)
            .attr("text-anchor", "middle");
        }, label);
      //check if element is visible
      if ("display") !== 'none') {

        //get pos of the label text
        var labelPos = label.attr("transform").match(/-?\d+(\.\d+)?/g);
        if (labelPos && labelPos.length === 2) {
          //get surrounding box of the label
          bbox = labelNode.getBBox();

          // modify the labelPos of the text - check to make sure that the label doesn't overlap one of the other labels
          // check to make sure that the label doesn't overlap one of the other labels - 4.3.2014 - from flot user fix pie_label_ratio on github
          var newRadius = Math.sqrt(labelPos[0] * labelPos[0] + labelPos[1] * labelPos[1]);
          var angle = getAngle(labelPos);
          var labelBottom = (labelPos[1] - bbox.height / 2); //
          var labelLeft = (labelPos[0] - bbox.width / 2); //
          var bCollision = false;
          var labelBox = [
            [labelLeft, labelLeft + bbox.width],
            [labelBottom, labelBottom + bbox.height]
          var yix = 10; //max label reiterations with collisions
          do {
            for (var i = allLabels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
              if (!labelNode.isEqualNode(allLabels[i].node())) {
                var checkLabelBBox = allLabels[i].node().getBBox();
                var checkLabelPos = allLabels[i].attr("transform").match(/-?\d+(\.\d+)?/g);
                var checkLabelBox = [
                  [(checkLabelPos[0] - checkLabelBBox.width / 2), (checkLabelPos[0] - checkLabelBBox.width / 2) + checkLabelBBox.width],
                  [(checkLabelPos[1] - checkLabelBBox.height / 2), (checkLabelPos[1] - checkLabelBBox.height / 2) + checkLabelBBox.height]

                while (isOverlapping(labelBox, checkLabelBox)) {
                  newRadius -= 2;
                  if (newRadius < 0.00) {
                  x = Math.round(Math.cos(angle) * newRadius);
                  y = Math.round(Math.sin(angle) * newRadius);
                  labelBottom = (y - bbox.height / 2);
                  labelLeft = (x - bbox.width / 2);
                  labelBox[0][0] = labelLeft;
                  labelBox[0][1] = labelLeft + bbox.width;
                  labelBox[1][0] = labelBottom;
                  labelBox[1][1] = labelBottom + bbox.height;
                  bCollision = true;
                if (bCollision) break;
            if (bCollision) bCollision = false;
            else break;
          while (yix > 0);
          //now apply the potentially corrected positions to the label
          if (labelPos[0] !== (labelLeft + bbox.width / 2) || labelpos[1] !== (labelBottom + bbox.height / 2)) {
            labelPos[0] = labelLeft + bbox.width / 2;
            labelPos[1] = labelBottom + bbox.height / 2;
            label.attr("transform", "translate(" + labelPos[0] + ',' + labelPos[1] + ")");

          //now draw and move the rects
            .attr("transform", "translate(" + (labelLeft - padding) +
              "," + (labelPos[1] - labelTextHeight / 2 - padding) + ")")
            .attr("width", bbox.width + 2 * padding)
            .attr("height", bbox.height + 2 * padding);
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart">


Does anyone have an idea what is going wrong here?


  • Basically it was a combination of several things: - calculating the angle (messed up arctan ;)) - checking the overlav of the rects (not only text boxes) - wrong loops

    This does work now:

    var columns = ['data11', 'data2', 'data347', 'data40098', 'data777'];
    var data = [150, 250, 300, 50, 50];
    var colors = ['#0065A3', '#767670', '#D73648', '#7FB2CE', '#00345B'];
    var padding = 5;
    var chart = c3.generate({
      data: {
        columns: [
        type: 'pie',
      legend: {
        position: 'right',
        show: true
      pie: {
        label: {
          threshold: 0.001,
          format: function(value, ratio, id) {
            return [id, d3.format(",.0f")(value), "[" + d3.format(",.1%")(ratio) + "]"].join(';');
      color: {
        pattern: colors
      onrendered: function() {
    function addLabelBackground(index) {
      //get label text element
      var textLabel =".c3-target-" + columns[index] + " > text");
      //add rect to parent
      var labelNode = textLabel.node();
      if (labelNode /*&& labelNode.innerHTML.length > 0*/ ) {
        var p ="rect", "text")
          .style("fill", colors[index]);
    for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
      if (i > 0) {
        setTimeout(function(column) {
            columns: [
        }, (i * 5000 / columns.length), i);
      } else {
    function redrawLabelBackgrounds() {
      function isOverlapping(pos1, pos2) {
        /*isOverlapping = (x1min < x2max AND x2min < x1max AND y1min < y2max AND y2min < y1max)
    										 * x1min = pos1[0][0]
    										 * x1max = pos1[0][1]
    										 * y1min = pos1[1][0]
    										 * y1max = pos1[1][1]
    										 * x2min = pos2[0][0]
    										 * x2max = pos2[0][1]
    										 * y2min = pos2[1][0]
    										 * y2max = pos2[1][1]
    										 * isOverlapping = (pos1[0][0] < pos2[0][1] AND pos2[0][0] < pos1[0][1] AND pos1[1][0] < pos2[1][1] AND pos2[1][0] < pos1[1][1])
        return (pos1[0][0] < pos2[0][1] && pos2[0][0] < pos1[0][1] && pos1[1][0] < pos2[1][1] && pos2[1][0] < pos1[1][1]);
      function getAngle(pos) {
        if ((pos[0] > 0 && pos[1] >= 0)) {
          return Math.atan(pos[1] / pos[0]);
        //Q2 & Q3
        else if (pos[0] < 0) {
          return Math.atan(pos[1] / pos[0]) + Math.PI;
        } //Q4
        else if (pos[0] > 0 && pos[1] < 0) {
          return Math.atan(pos[1] / pos[0]) + 2 * Math.PI;
        // x = 0, y>0
        else if (pos[0] === 0 && pos[1] > 0) {
          return Math.PI / 2;
        // x = 0, y<0
        else if (pos[0] === 0 && pos[1] < 0) {
          return Math.PI / -2;
        // x= 0, y = 0
        else {
          return 0;
      //for all label texts drawn yet
      var labelSelection ='#chart').selectAll(".c3-chart-arc > text");
      //.filter(function(d){return"display") !== 'none'});
      //first put all label nodes in one array
      var allLabels = [];
      labelSelection.each(function() {
      //padding of the surrounding rect
      var rectPadding = 1;
      //then check and modify labels
      labelSelection.each(function(v, labelIndex) {
        // get d3 node
        var label =;
        var labelNode = label.node();
        //check if label is drawn
        if (labelNode) {
          var bbox = labelNode.getBBox();
          var labelTextHeight = bbox.height;
          if (labelNode.childElementCount === 0 && labelNode.innerHTML.length > 0) {
            //build data
            var data = labelNode.innerHTML.split(';');
            if (data.length > 1) {
                .attr("dominant-baseline", "central")
                .attr("text-anchor", "middle");
              data.forEach(function(i, n) {
                  .attr("dy", (n === 0) ? 0 : "1.2em")
                  .attr("x", 0);
              }, label);
          //check if element is visible
          if ("display") !== 'none') {
            //get pos of the label text
            var labelPos = label.attr("transform").match(/-?\d+(\.\d+)?/g);
            if (labelPos && labelPos.length === 2) {
              labelPos[0] = parseFloat(labelPos[0]);
              labelPos[1] = parseFloat(labelPos[1]);
              //get surrounding box of the label
              bbox = labelNode.getBBox();
              // modify the labelPos of the text - check to make sure that the label doesn't overlap one of the other labels
              // check to make sure that the label doesn't overlap one of the other labels - 4.3.2014 - from flot user fix pie_label_ratio on github
              var oldRadius = Math.sqrt(labelPos[0] * labelPos[0] + labelPos[1] * labelPos[1]);
              var newRadius = oldRadius;
              var angle = getAngle(labelPos);
              var labelBottom = (labelPos[1] - bbox.height / 2); //
              var labelLeft = (labelPos[0] - bbox.width / 2); //
              var bCollision = false;
              var labelBox = [ [ labelLeft - rectPadding, labelLeft + bbox.width + rectPadding ], [ labelBottom-rectPadding, labelBottom + bbox.height + rectPadding ] ];
              var yix = 10; //max label reiterations with collisions
              do {
                for (var i = labelIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                  var checkLabelNode = allLabels[i].node();
                  var checkLabelBBox = checkLabelNode.getBBox();
                  var checkLabelPos = allLabels[i].attr("transform").match(/-?\d+(\.\d+)?/g);
                  if (checkLabelBBox && checkLabelPos) { //element visible
                    checkLabelPos[0] = parseFloat(checkLabelPos[0]);
                    checkLabelPos[1] = parseFloat(checkLabelPos[1]);
                    //box is text bbox + padding from rect
                    var checkLabelBox = [
                      [(checkLabelPos[0] - checkLabelBBox.width / 2) - rectPadding, (checkLabelPos[0] + checkLabelBBox.width / 2) + rectPadding],
                      [(checkLabelPos[1] - checkLabelBBox.height / 2) - rectPadding, (checkLabelPos[1] + checkLabelBBox.height / 2) + rectPadding]
                    while (isOverlapping(labelBox, checkLabelBox)) {
                      newRadius -= 2;
                      if (newRadius < 0.00) {
                        bCollision = true;
                      x = Math.round(Math.cos(angle) * newRadius);
                      y = Math.round(Math.sin(angle) * newRadius);
                      labelBottom = (y - bbox.height / 2);
                      labelLeft = (x - bbox.width / 2);
                      labelBox[0][0] = labelLeft;
                      labelBox[0][1] = labelLeft + bbox.width;
                      labelBox[1][0] = labelBottom;
                      labelBox[1][1] = labelBottom + bbox.height;
                    if (bCollision) break;
                if (bCollision) bCollision = false;
                else break;
              while (yix > 0);
              //now apply the potentially corrected positions to the label
              if (Math.round(labelPos[0]) !== Math.round(labelLeft + bbox.width / 2) || Math.round(labelPos[1]) !== Math.round(labelBottom + bbox.height / 2)) {
                /*console.log("moving label[" + labelIndex + "][" + labelPos[0] + "," + labelPos[1] + "] to [" + (labelLeft + bbox.width / 2) + "," + (labelBottom + bbox.height / 2) + "] Radius " + oldRadius + "=>" + newRadius + " #" + yix);*/
                labelPos[0] = labelLeft + bbox.width / 2;
                labelPos[1] = labelBottom + bbox.height / 2;
                label.attr("transform", "translate(" + labelPos[0] + ',' + labelPos[1] + ")");
              //now draw and move the rects
                .attr("transform", "translate(" + (labelLeft - rectPadding) +
                  "," + (labelPos[1] - labelTextHeight / 2 - rectPadding) + ")")
                .attr("width", bbox.width + 2 * rectPadding)
                .attr("height", bbox.height + 2 * rectPadding);
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="chart">

    optional todo: hide labels still overlapping in the end