I use httpparams in angular 6. and i have one question.
when i use Httpparams with set, it is very difference that set
funciton called after Constructor or called variable name.
funtionTest(): any{
let params: HttpParams = new HttpParams()
... some request
funtionTest2(): any{
let params: HttpParams = new HttpParams();
... some request
if i called functionTest()
, that one
describe of querystring
ex) requestUrl?one=one&two=two&thr=thr
but, if i called functionTest2()
, any information not shown. i think that one ~ thr querystring is inserted body.
what was difference that ?
HttpParams are immutable : it means you don't modify it, but rather return a new object everytime.
The first function could be translated to
funtionTest(): any{
let params: HttpParams = new HttpParams();
params = params.set('one','one');
params = params.set('two','two');
params = params.set('three','three');
That's why your second function doesn't work : you don't assign the return value to anything.
To know that, simply check the signature of the set
function with a Ctrl + Click !