I have an ag-grid where rows are grouped by two columns by default, but the groups are collapsed.
colDefs =
field: 'colA',
rowGroupIndex: 0,
field: 'colB',
rowGroupIndex: 1
I would like to have the first group level expanded like this:
- ColA 1
+ COlB 1 (5)
+ ColB 2 (3)
- ColA 2
+ COlB 3 (1)
+ COlB 4 (9)
+ COlB 5 (11)
Where is the best place to expand the first level groups?
Have a look at the plunk I've created: ag-grid: expand groups in ag-grid-angular
For more reference, have a look at the documentation: Built In Menu Items
expandAll: Expand all groups. Only shown if grouping by at least one column.
The above point expands nodes at all levels. Below solution is to achieve as per what you need.
Have a look at the another plunk I've created: ag-grid: expand the first group level in ag-grid-angular
I am simply programmatically expanding the nodes which are at 0
this.gridApi.forEachNode((node, b) => {
if (node.level === 0) {