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Scala: write for-comprehension with ReaderT and Option

Here is example:

trait Service1 { def s1f = Option(10) }

trait Service2 {

  type ReaderS1[A] = ReaderT[Option,Service1,A]
  def s2f1: ReaderS1[Int] =
    ReaderT(s1 =>
      for {
        r1 <- Option(1)
        r2 <- s1.s1f
      } yield r1 + r2

It works fine. I just want to rewrite s2f1 without ReaderT.apply method:

  def s2f2:ReaderS1[Int] =
    for {
      r1 <- 1.pure[ReaderS1] 
      r2 <- //how to get result of Service1.s1f and compose it here
    } yield r1 + r2

Here is a working example with Reader[...,Int], but not ReaderT[Option,...]:


trait Service1 { def s1f = 10 }
trait Service2 { def s2f = 20 }

trait Service3 {
  def s3f1:Reader[Service1,Int] = Reader(1 + _.s1f)
  def s3f2:Reader[Service2,Int] = Reader(2 + _.s2f)

  import cats.syntax.applicative._ //for pure
  type Env = (Service1, Service2)
  type ReaderEnv[A] = Reader[Env,A]  //needed to convert Int via pure
  def c:ReaderEnv[Int] =
    for {
      s1 <- Reader((_:Env)._1)
      r2 <- s1.s1f.pure[ReaderEnv]
      r1 <- s3f2.local((_:Env)._2)
    } yield r1 + r2

I want to get a similar syntax.


  • Try

    import cats.syntax.applicative._
    import cats.instances.option._
    def s2f2: ReaderS1[Int] =
      for {
        r1 <- 1.pure[ReaderS1]
        r2 <- ReaderT((_: Service1).s1f)
      } yield r1 + r2