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How to auto-suppress `#+RESULTS` for empty output?

In the following org-mode source snippet, no result is generated:

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session
  import numpy as np

However, upon execution #+RESULTS: is added to the document. How can I configure org-mode / babel to only insert results when there is something to display?

I know I can disable output using :results silent, but I'd prefer not to have to specify a different flag depending on whether a result is generated or not.


  • Using ob-ipython with Org 9, I got this to work with the following hack, provided that source blocks are configured to return values (i.e., the default header specifies :results value):

    ; don't label empty outputs, exclude empty result blocks
    (advice-add 'ob-ipython--process-response :filter-return
                (λ (contents)
                   (if (string-match-p "\\`# Out\[[0-9]+\]:\n\\'" contents)
                       "" contents)))
    (advice-add 'org-babel-insert-result :filter-args
                (λ (args)
                   (let ((result (car args))
                         (result-params (cadr args))
                         (others (cddr args)))
                     (apply 'list
                            (if (string-empty-p result) '("silent") result-params)

    The first advice strips the output tag inserted by ob-ipython when there is nothing further in the output (making the result empty), while the second advice effectively applies :results silent when the result is empty. These pieces could be arranged differently depending on your use case.