this question is a bit similar to this one.
How do I enable the Japanese keyboard on the iPhone simulator?
I get it to worked in Xcode 4.6, iOS Simulator 6. Things go all well. But when I upgraded to Xcode 5, iOS Simulator 7, the dictionary is gone... I can't write kanji, or even kana... where has the dictionary gone?
How do I make it work in the iOS Simulator (because I don't have the real device) like back there?
Edit Note: Ok, don't get it wrong. I changed the keyboard to japanese. Since I tap on japanese characters, normally a suggestion kanji/kana will pop-up in the suggestion area. But with the dictionary gone, it doesn't have any words on the suggestion area. Therefore, I can't write kanji...
I tried delete Xcode 5, re-install Xcode 4, things goes well. Upgrade back to Xcode 5 (duplicated app with Xcode 4), iOS sim 6 still work fine with dict., but iOS 7 doesn't. What is with Xcode 5 and iOS 7?
Edit Note 2: I think it got something to do with
~/Library/Application Support/Iphone Simulator/7.0/
But I'm not sure what... I tried copy the keyboard bundle from 6.1 to 7.0, still not solve the problem...
Edit note 3: I asked google for a while, but can't find any English document about this problem. Maybe it's best to ask in Japanese, but I don't know much about Japanese :( This is requirement for my current project :(
Edit note 4: To make it clear, I'll post the screenshot of before and after:
Edit note 5: Chinese dictionary still works fine. Maybe I did something wrong...? How to fix this?
Edit note 6: It seems there's some problems with the built-in keyboard dictionary... Maybe it's me, maybe Xcode 5, delete the dictionary features... Somehow, I can't restore it even with re-install. It seems I need something like... reset keyboard dictionary function, as on the terminal. It doesn't available on the simulator, right? Any idea?
P/s: I'm also sorry if my English is bad. I tried to write as simple as possible, but not very proper... Since I'm bad at English's grammar.
The solution is to wait a bit for Apple to fix the bug. New simulators work pretty good!!