I'm currently implementing 'unit testing' in my angular application. However, if I run them, I receive multiple warnings/errors similar to this one: 'Error retrieving icon: Unable to find icon with the name ":myIcon"'
. I suspect it might be caused by not adding the svgs to my MatIconRegistry. I usually do this in my AppComponent, like so:
constuctor(private iconRegistry: MatIconRegistry,
private sanitizer: DomSanitizer,
...) {
iconRegistry.addSvgIcon('myIcon', sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl('./assets/icons/myIcon.svg'));
If I run a unit test of another component though, this will not execute and thus not add my svg to the registry. I already tried adding it in my .spec file of the corresponding component, like so:
fdescribe('MyComponent', () => {
let component: MyComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;
let iconRegistry;
let sanitizer;
beforeEach(async(() => {
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [
beforeEach(() => {
iconRegistry = TestBed.get(MatIconRegistry);
sanitizer = TestBed.get(DomSanitizer);
iconRegistry.addSvgIcon('myIcon', sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl('./../../assets/icons/myIcon.svg'));
component = fixture.componentInstance;
it('should create component', () => {
If I run this, it doesn't work. It just returns a different error message:
Error retrieving icon: <svg> tag not found
My initial thought was that I have made a mistake in the path, but after trying various other paths I'm sure thats not the case.
Does anyone know how do solve this problem? Or maybe there is a better way doing this, since I would have to add my svg icon in every component I'm testing, which would be kinda redundant.
Mock the mat-icon
selector with the following component at the top of the unit test
selector: 'mat-icon',
template: '<span></span>'
class MockMatIconComponent {
@Input() svgIcon: any;
@Input() fontSet: any;
@Input() fontIcon: any;
Then override the MatIconModule in the unit test as follows
beforeEach(() => {
declarations: [ ...],
providers: [ ... ],
imports: [ MatIconModule, NoopAnimationsModule ]
.overrideModule(MatIconModule, {
remove: {
declarations: [MatIcon],
exports: [MatIcon]
add: {
declarations: [MockMatIconComponent],
exports: [MockMatIconComponent]
You will no longer have the 'Error retrieving icon: Unable to find icon with the name ":myIcon"'
issue when running the unit tests