I'm looking for a reactive object that implement IObservable<IReadOnlyList<T>>
and IList<IObservable<T>>
That's it, I would like to be able to write :
var list = new MyReactiveList<int>();
var item = new Subject<int>();
list.Subscribe(values => Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", values)}]"));
item.OnNext(1); // Will print out [1]
First up, your code that you posted in your question doesn't compile. I have fixed it the best I can:
var list = new MyReactiveList<int>();
var item = new Subject<int>();
list.Subscribe(values => Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", values)}]"));
item.OnNext(1); // Will print out [1]
Now the exercise is just to implement class MyReactiveList<T> : IObservable<IReadOnlyList<T>>, IList<IObservable<T>>
. That's fairly simply, but the only problem is to somehow turn a mutable List<IObservable<T>>
into an IObservable<IReadOnlyList<T>>
such that the observable updates itself when the list changes.
Here it is:
public class MyReactiveList<T> : IObservable<IReadOnlyList<T>>, IList<IObservable<T>>
private List<IObservable<T>> _list = new List<IObservable<T>>();
private Subject<Unit> _update = new Subject<Unit>();
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<IReadOnlyList<T>> observer) =>
.Select(_ => _list.CombineLatest().Select(x => new ReadOnlyList<T>(x)))
public IObservable<T> this[int index]
get => _list[index];
_list[index] = value;
public int Count => _list.Count;
public bool IsReadOnly => false;
public void Add(IObservable<T> item)
public void Clear()
public bool Contains(IObservable<T> item) => _list.Contains(item);
public void CopyTo(IObservable<T>[] array, int arrayIndex)
_list.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
public IEnumerator<IObservable<T>> GetEnumerator() => _list.GetEnumerator();
public int IndexOf(IObservable<T> item) => _list.IndexOf(item);
public void Insert(int index, IObservable<T> item)
_list.Insert(index, item);
public bool Remove(IObservable<T> item)
var removed = _list.Remove(item);
return removed;
public void RemoveAt(int index)
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => _list.GetEnumerator();
public class ReadOnlyList<T> : IReadOnlyList<T>
public ReadOnlyList(IEnumerable<T> items) { _list.AddRange(items); }
private List<T> _list = new List<T>();
public T this[int index] => _list[index];
public int Count => _list.Count;
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() => _list.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => _list.GetEnumerator();
NB: It's not a great idea to implement your own observables - it's easy to get them wrong and create code that doesn't play well with the concurrency.