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How to use computed properties in vue-class for v-model?

I wanna use v-model for vuedraggable plugin with vuex, but i don't know how set computed property like below not in @Component decorator. Have another solutions for that?

computed: {
  myList: {
    get() {
      return this.$store.state.Goal.goalData.steps
    set(value) {
      this.$store.dispatch('sortList', {id: this.$store.state.Goal.goalId, list:value})

<draggable v-model='myList'></draggable>


  • You would do it this way:

        <input v-model="computedMsg">
    import Vue from 'vue'
    import Component from 'vue-class-component'
      props: {
        propMessage: String
    export default class App extends Vue {
      // computed
      get computedMsg () {
        return state.val
      set computedMsg (val) {
        return store.commit("changeVal", val)

    Please remember that you'll need to tailor the code above to fit your specific application.