I am trying to get indexes fragmentation info from database.
Here the dapper sql query:
var result = await _dbConnection.QueryAsync<IndexFragmentationModel>($@"
a.index_id as Id, name as Name, avg_fragmentation_in_percent as FragmentationPercent
from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(N'@dbName'), OBJECT_ID(N'@tableName'), null, null, null) as a
join sys.indexes as b on a.object_id = b.object_id and a.index_id = b.index_id;
", new
dbName = dbName,
tableName = tableName
return result.ToList();
Parameters are not passing the the places where they are expected.
Could anybody please suggest - maybe there is another way to pass them ?
You're using the literal strings "@dbName"
and "@tableName"
, not the parameters' values.
Remove the N'
and '
that surround them.