Below are the object types I have. Basically I have a person table and a child table as a nested table of person table.
I have a School table with a M:N Relationship with child table (nested). So I'm creating a intermediate table to insert child_school data.
How can I create that intermediate table and insert data?
create type school_t as object(
sid number(5,2),
name varchar(20))
create type child_t as object(
cid number(5,2),
name varchar(20))
create type childtable_t as table of child_t
create type person_t as object(
pid number(5,2),
name varchar(20),
child childtable_t)
create table person_tab of person_t(
pid primary key
)nested table child store as child_table
create table school_tab of school_t
--there's some problem. Below does not work.
create type school_child_t as object(
cid ref person_t,
sid ref school_t)
create table school_child_tab of school_child_t(
cid references person_tab,
sid references school_tab
create table school_child_tab(
cid number(5,2) references childtable_t,
sid number(5,2) references school_tab
cid reference should be the cid in nested table. The problem is referring it.
I saw your edit, and I was about to tell you it is impossible to reference a nested table externally.
The nested table is physically created as a distinct table that holds data separately from the parent table:
SQL> SELECT object_name, object_type
2 FROM all_objects
3 WHERE created > trunc(sysdate)
4 AND object_type = 'TABLE';
------------------------------ -------------------
Here you can see that Oracle has created a CHILD_TABLE table, however it is hidden from us and can only be worked internally by Oracle:
SQL> select * from child_table;
ORA-22812: cannot reference nested table column's storage table
In this case I was pretty sure that you couldn't reference the child table in any way, however to my surprise this seems to work (we can't select from CHILD_TABLE, however we can reference to it):
SQL> alter table child_table add constraint pk_child_table primary key (cid);
Table altered
SQL> CREATE TABLE school_child_tab (
2 cid REFERENCES child_table,
3 sid REFERENCES school_tab
4 );
Table created
You could build your inserts like this (I don't really like to store to store data as objects, but here you go):
SQL> insert into school_tab values (school_t(1, 'school A'));
1 row inserted
SQL> insert into person_tab values (
2 person_t(1, 'person A', childtable_t(child_t(1, 'child A'))));
1 row inserted
SQL> insert into school_child_tab values (1, 1);
1 row inserted