I'm wondering how to remove the "Table.1" at the top of my stargazer table.
I used right now created a new code chunk in my r document and ran the stargazer
{r mylatextable, results = "asis"}
stargazer(lm3a,lm3b,lm3c,lm3d, type = 'latex',header=FALSE)
I got the following table:
at the very top we see this "Table.1" text. How do I remove it?
The "Table.1" text is autogenerated by Latex, from the \caption{}
tag. You can remove the \caption
line using sub
to suppress this. Here's an example reproducible Rmd document to demonstrate:
output: pdf_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
star = stargazer(attitude, header = F)
star = sub('^.+\\caption.+$','', star)
```{r mylatextable, results = "asis", echo=FALSE}
cat(star, sep='\n')