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Failed to get endorsement plan when trying to initialize Channel object to use service discovery

I'm trying to use the service discovery feature in Fabric 1.4. My network is default, 2 organizations and 2 peers per organization. I try to invoke a chaincode via service discovery feature rather than setting specific target peers. (Before using the service discovery, I set specific endorsers in target properties of transaction proposal request object.)

To use the service discovery, I set discover: true to peers in my connection profile. Then, simply I added below code to my invoke function.

await channel.initialize({ discover: true, asLocalhost: true })

Following the tutorial in fabric-node-sdk document, I changed the ports of each peer to use service discovery in docker-compose network.

Everything works fine including creating the channel, installing chaincode, and instantiating chaincode. Also, invoking the chaincode works fine if I didn't use the service discovery feature.

However, if I added await channel.initialize({ discover: true, asLocalhost: true }) in my invoke function, this initialize function throws an error like below:

Error: No endorsement plan available for {"chaincodes":[{"name":"etri-bcdms-token-chaincode"}]}

(I set my endorsement policy during the instantiation)

In the peer, the below log are printed:

Failed constructing descriptor for chaincode chaincodes:<name:"etri-bcdms-token-chaincode" > ,: cannot satisfy any principal combination

The full code of my invoke function is below:

const client = this._useFabricCA
      ? await getUserClient(orgID, userID)
      : await getOrgAdminClient(orgID)
    if (!client) {
      throw Error(`failed to get the client for ${orgID}`)

    const channel = client.getChannel(channelID)
    if (!channel) {
      throw Error(`failed to get the channel for ${channelID}`)

    // Service discovery
    await channel.initialize({ discover: true, asLocalhost: true })

    const chaincodeSetting = getChaincodeSetting(channelID)
    if (!chaincodeSetting) {
      throw Error(`no chaincode set on the channel ${channelID}`)

    const txID = client.newTransactionID()
    const request: ChaincodeInvokeRequest = {
      // targets: targetList,
      txId: txID

    // Process the endorsement
    const results = await channel.sendTransactionProposal(request)

Is there any advice for this kind of error? Where can I invest to fix this error and use the service discovery? Any advice will be very thankful.


  • You must add an anchor peer from each organization in the channel, this solved the problem for me. Anchor peers are required for the service discovery since the service discovery uses gossip protocol