I'm writing an interactive document with shiny
and flexdashboard
and would like to select values from a vector (or column) as input to filter the dataset. Consider the example below:
title: "Example"
runtime: shiny
theme: simplex
vertical_layout: fill
orientation: rows
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
Sidebar {.sidebar}
### Filtering options
```{r echo = FALSE}
label = "Value of cyl:",
choices = mtcars %>% .$cyl %>% unique %>% sort,
selected = 20)
### Table
```{r echo = FALSE}
mtcars %>%
dplyr::filter(cyl==input$ncyl) %>%
dplyr::select(cyl, disp) %>%
dplyr::arrange(-disp) %>%
DT::datatable(options = list(
pageLength = 10,
bPaginate = TRUE,
scrollX = TRUE,
sScrollY = '75vh',
scrollCollapse = TRUE),
extensions = list("Scroller")
In this case example, a tab allows to select one of the three possible values of column cyl
to filter the dataset.
I would like to replace this by a number of buttons where I can select of many of these values to select (eg. in this case there would be three buttons, for values 4, 6 and 8), so that all or some of these values are used to filter, but not necessarily only one. This is intended to be used for a column with a potentially large number of values, so a scroll bar might be necessary for this.
Is it possible to achieve this with flexdashboard? So far, I haven't been able to find an example for this in the Rmarkdown gallery.
You can edit the settings for the dropdown box to allow multiple selections.
label = "Value of cyl:",
choices = mtcars %>% .$cyl %>% unique %>% sort,
multiple = T)
You will also need to edit the server codes according to the fact that your selection is now a list & not a value.
mtcars %>%
dplyr::filter(cyl%in%input$ncyl) %>%