Does Apache Active MQ provide Server-To-Server-Connection as IBM Websphere MQ does?
We currently have Websphere MQ 7.0.1 (CUST) installed to communicate with another remote Websphere MQ Server (GOV), which is not under our control. The MQs hold a Server-To-Server-Connection via VPN-tunnel. We would like to replace our Websphere MQ with Apache ActiveMQ.
We have one QM-Manager with 4 queues and 3 channels.
I read a lot about bridging ActiveMQ to Websphere MQ (Client API, Resource Adapter, OSGi) with Camel.
Looks pretty easy with a Camel route, but this is at least a Client-Server setup.
E. G.
I need something that hides away the IBM proprietary channel stuff.
Now I found this entry:
As this is from 2012 I would like to ask, if anyone successful switched from Websphere MQ to ActiveMQ resp. is it still true that I can only use Client-Server?
ActiveMQ does not support a server-to-server connection to WebsphereMQ. As you mentioned, Camel would probably be the simplest way to get a connection between the two brokers.
To be clear, even if ActiveMQ did implement a bridge with WebsphereMQ it would almost certainly use the WebsphereMQ client so would fundamentally still be a client-server implementation. It's not really clear from your question why you want to avoid this.