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How do I debug a Testcafe browser running in a testcafe/testcafe docker container?

Got a test for a React app's login function in a Page class:

  async login(t) {
    console.log('starting login...');

    await this.loginModal({ visibilityCheck: true });
    await t
    // then log the user in etc... 

And the test, which passes when running locally but fails in the container

test.requestHooks(mock)('user can log in', async t => {

  await page.login(t);

  // Make sure test user's orders render.
  await t.expect(page.orders.childNodeCount).gt(1, { timeout: 10000 });

The test passes locally but fails (the login doesn't work) when running in the container.

When I run the test locally it debugs as expected:

testcafe chrome --inspect-brk=9230 ./tests/login.test.js --skip-js-errors

The process node_modules/testcafe/lib/cli shows up in my chrome://inspect/#devices, as expected.

However, when I run testcafe in the testcafe docker container it won't debug with any of these commands:

docker run --expose 9230 -p 9230:9230 -e BASIC_AUTH_USER -e BASIC_AUTH_PASS -e NODE_ENV=docker -e TEST_USER -e TEST_PASS --shm-size=1gb -v `pwd`:/tests -v `pwd`/screenshots/docker:/screenshots testcafe/testcafe 'chromium --no-sandbox' --inspect-brk= -S -s '/screenshots' --skip-js-errors /tests/**/login.test.js

docker run --expose 9230 -p 9230:9230 -e \"NODE_PATH=/opt:/opt/testcafe/node_modules:/tests/node_modules\" -e BASIC_AUTH_USER -e BASIC_AUTH_PASS -e NODE_ENV=docker -e TEST_USER -e TEST_PASS --shm-size=1gb -v `pwd`:/tests -v `pwd`/screenshots/docker:/screenshots testcafe/testcafe 'chromium --no-sandbox' --inspect-brk= -S -s '/screenshots' --skip-js-errors /tests/**/login.test.js

docker run --expose 9230 -p 9230:9230 -e BASIC_AUTH_USER -e BASIC_AUTH_PASS -e NODE_ENV=docker -e TEST_USER -e TEST_PASS --shm-size=1gb -v `pwd`:/tests -v `pwd`/screenshots/docker:/screenshots testcafe/testcafe 'chromium --no-sandbox' --inspect-brk= -S -s '/screenshots' --skip-js-errors /tests/**/login.test.js

docker run --expose 9230 -p 9230:9230 -e \"NODE_PATH=/opt:/opt/testcafe/node_modules:/tests/node_modules\" -e BASIC_AUTH_USER -e BASIC_AUTH_PASS -e NODE_ENV=docker -e TEST_USER -e TEST_PASS --shm-size=1gb -v `pwd`:/tests -v `pwd`/screenshots/docker:/screenshots testcafe/testcafe --inspect-brk= --browsers 'chromium --no-sandbox' -S -s '/screenshots' --skip-js-errors /tests/**/login.test.js

docker run --expose 9230 -p 9230:9230 -e \"NODE_PATH=/opt:/opt/testcafe/node_modules:/tests/node_modules\" -e BASIC_AUTH_USER -e BASIC_AUTH_PASS -e NODE_ENV=docker -e TEST_USER -e TEST_PASS --shm-size=1gb -v `pwd`:/tests -v `pwd`/screenshots/docker:/screenshots testcafe/testcafe 'chromium --no-sandbox' -S -s '/screenshots' --skip-js-errors --inspect-brk=9230 /tests/**/login.test.js

Is there some limitation to the container that I'm using that I'm not aware of? I've debugged Node processes running in Docker containers before, I know it can be done. But it was a while ago. Am I missing something?


  • You can use the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable to enable remote debugging:

    docker run -it --rm -p 9229:9229 -e NODE_OPTIONS="--inspect-brk=" -v /host/path/to/tests:/tests testcafe/testcafe 'chromium --no-sandbox' /tests/test.js

    If you don't use docker-machine, you can open http://localhost:9229/json in your browser and navigate to a DevTools URL specified in the devtoolsFrontendUrl property.

    Otherwise, use the docker-machine ip command to get the IP address of your Docker VM and open http://${DOCKER_MACHINE_IP}:9229/json to get a DevTools URL.