I'm trying to add text to an image in PHP with imagettftext. However, it doesn't seem to accept any .ttf file and keeps giving the errors: 'Could not find/open font' and 'Invalid font filename'. The file path is localhost/fonts/arial.ttf
I've tried relative paths, absolute paths, changing /
to \
, tried putting ../
before the path but nothing seems to work.
I've checked the GD version and its the 2.1.0 and the FreeType Linkage is 'with freetype' whatever that means.
$output = "pics/email.png";
$x = 720;
$y = 480;
$image = imagecreate($x, $y);
//colors to use (rgb)
$white = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
$font = 'fonts/arial.ttf';
$text1 = imagettftext($image, 40, 0, 20, 40, $black, $font, "Text Sample");
imagejpeg($image, $output);
I'd be thankful if anyone could give a working answer.
Already solved it, thanks to the people in the comment section.
I just had to use the full file path (C://.../fonts/arial.ttf)