(Sorry about my english, I'm brazilian)
I'm trying to get the InnerText from a h4 tag using the HtmlAgilityPack, I managed to get that type of value in 3 of 4 tags in the web site that I need. But the last one is the most important and it just returns an empty value.
Is it possible, that the structure of how the website was build requires a different way to get this value?
This is the specific h4 that I'm trying to extract InnetText ("356.386.496,02"):
<h4 class="text-black--opacity-60 fs-20 fs-sm-42 fs-lg-40 w-100 mt-3">
<span class="align-middle fs-12 fs-lg-12 pr-4">R$</span>
I've tried this:
HtmlDocument htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument();
var nodes = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h4[@class='text-black--opacity-60 fs-20 fs-sm-42 fs-lg-40 w-100 mt-3']");
foreach (var node in nodes)
//Result in console:
Note that the SelectNodes method doesn't return null, it find the h4 node perfectly, but the InnerText value is "".
try to replace "356.386.496,02" with 356.386.496,02 or with ""356.386.496,02""
this solution should be work
public static void Main()
var html =
@"<h4 class=""text-black--opacity-60 fs-20 fs-sm-42 fs-lg-40 w-100 mt-3"">
<span class=""align-middle fs-12 fs-lg-12 pr-4"">R$</span>
var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
var htmlNodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h4[@class='text-black--opacity-60 fs-20 fs-sm-42 fs-lg-40 w-100 mt-3']");
foreach (var node in htmlNodes)