I have a Stochastic Mixed Integer Problem where some of the scenarios may give infeasible issues.
The model is formulated as an Abstract Pyomo Model and the solver I'm using is gurobi 8.1.0
I want to see the Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem (IIS) so I could fix my infallibility problems.
In the link below is the function I'm trying to use, model.computeIIS().
I have tried copy pasting from time link above and implemented the code below (http://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.1/examples.pdf , workforce1.py page 401)
if model.IISMinimal :
print("IIS is minimal \n")
else :
print ("IIS is not minimal \n")
print ("\ n The following constraint (s) cannot be satisfied:")
for c in model.getConstrs():
if c.IISConstr:
print ("%s" % c.constrName)
I hoped that this would have printed the IIS. Unfortunately, it just gives me the Attribute Error:"AbstractModel" object has no attribute "computeISS"
Your model seems to be a Pyomo model, but the example is using the Gurobi Model class. The Pyomo class does not have the method computeIIS
The GurobiDirect
class accepts some Gurobi parameters, including ResultFile
. The following will make Gurobi write an IIS to a file:
opt = SolverFactory('gurobi')
opt.options['ResultFile'] = "test.ilp"
The suffix of the filename determines the type of the result file; .ilp
is for IISs. See here.