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How to query objects in nested json in postgres

Lets say I have table called users with jsonb column called attrs with values like this:

  "uuid5": {
    "label": "Email",
    "value": "[email protected]"
  "uuid6": {
    "label": "Last Name ",
    "value": "Yang"

Here is a one-liner:

"attrs": { "uuid5": { "label": "Email", "value": "[email protected]" }, "uuid6": { "label": "Last Name ", "value": "Yang" }

As you can see there are uniq keys uuid5, uuid6 and so on.

How to get users with label = 'Email' and value = '[email protected]'?

In postgres docs about json functions there is a function called jsonb_each which returns set of JSON object key/value pairs. But I could not find a way to write a query based on that.


  • You need jsonb_each to iterate over all entries in the attrs colum. It will return key/value pairs where the key is the uuid and the entry is your actual JSON structure you want to inspect. You can use that in conjunction with an EXISTS condition:

    select u.*
    from users u
    where exists (select *
                  from jsonb_each(u.attrs) as t(uid,entry)
                  where t.entry ->> 'label' = 'Email'
                    and t.entry ->> 'value' = '[email protected]')

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