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Custom method not found when extending Sonata's PageAdmin

We have used Easy Extends to extend Sonata's Page Admin. So I now have a class that looks like this:

class PageAdmin extends BasePageAdmin
    public function configureRoutes(RouteCollection $collection)

        $collection->add( 'send_page_emails', '/admin/send-page-emails');

... and my custom PageAdminController class includes the following function:

protected function sendPageEmailsAction()
    die('Here I am!');

The problem comes when I try to redirect to my new action. I get the following:

Call to undefined method Sonata\AdminBundle\Controller\CRUDController::sendPageEmailsAction

How can I get the application to look in the correct place for my action?


Edit: Here are the relevant parts of admin.yml.
    class: Application\Sonata\PageBundle\Admin\PageAdmin
    arguments: [~, '', SonataPageBundle:PageAdmin]
        - { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, group: admin, label: Seiten }
        - [ addChild, ['']]
        - [ addChild, ['']]
        - [ setPageManager, ['']]
        - [ setCacheManager, ['@sonata.cache.manager']]
        - [ setSiteManager, ['']]
        - [ setTranslationDomain, ['SonataPageBundle']]
        - [ setTemplate, ['edit', 'ApplicationSonataPageBundle:PageAdmin:edit_duplicate.html.twig']]
        - [ setTemplate, ['tree', 'SonataPageBundle:PageAdmin:tree.html.twig']]
        - [ setTemplate, ['compose', 'ApplicationSonataPageBundle:PageAdmin:compose.html.twig']]
        - [ setTemplate, ['create', 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:edit.html.twig']]
        - [ setTemplate, ['select_site', 'SonataPageBundle:PageAdmin:select_site.html.twig']]
        - [ setTemplate, ['list', 'SonataPageBundle:PageAdmin:list.html.twig']]
        - [ setTemplate, ['compose_container_show', 'SonataPageBundle:PageAdmin:compose_container_show.html.twig']]


  • In the admin controller action method should be public and not protected, otherwise Sonata will not be able to find the method for your action :

    namespace Application\Sonata\PageBundle\Controller;
    use Sonata\AdminBundle\Controller\CRUDController;
    class PageAdminController extends CRUDController
       public function sendPageEmailsAction()
           // your code here