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How to fix Pipeline-Script "Expected a step" error

I am trying to run a simple pipeline-script in Jenkins with 2 stages. The script itself creates a textFile and checks if this one exists. But when i try to run the job I get an "Expected a step" error.

I have read somewhere that you cant have an if inside a step so that might be the problem but if so how can I check without using the if?

pipeline {
    agent {label 'Test'}
    stages {
        stage('Write') {
            steps {
                writeFile file: 'NewFile.txt', text: 
                '''Sample HEADLINE'''
                println "New File created..."
        stage('Check') {
            steps {        
                Boolean bool = fileExists 'NewFile.txt'
                if(bool) {
                    println "The File exists :)"
                else {
                    println "The File does not exist :("

I expect the script to create a "NewFile.txt" in the agents workspace and print a text to the console confirming that it exists.

But I actually get two "Expected a step" errors. At the Line starting with Boolean bool = ... and at if(bool) ...


  • You are missing a script{} -step which is required in a declarative pipeline.


    The script step takes a block of Scripted Pipeline and executes that in the Declarative Pipeline.

    stage('Check') {
        steps {        
            script {
                Boolean bool = fileExists 'NewFile.txt'
                if (bool) {
                    println "The File exists :)"
                } else {
                    println "The File does not exist :("