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SignalR: puzzled by method names - CamelCase vs lowerCamelCase - what's the sense?

Could you tell me why names in Hub-classes are in CamelCase, but in client-side js-code it's in lowerCamelCase? And why I can't call Hello-method from MyHub-class just by MyHub.server.Hello?

I mean it would be more clear to call the backend-methods be their exact c#-names, isn't it? Does that renaming have any other meaning apart from code-style agreements?

I hope my question is clear enough.

In script.js:

$(function() {
    var hub = $.connection.myHub;

    hub.client.hello = function (message) { //why not hub.client.Hello ?

         hub.server.hello(); //why not hub.server.Hello() ??


In MyHub-class:

public class MyHub : Hub
        public void Hello()
            Clients.All.hello(); //why not Clients.All.Hello() ?


  • That is due to the naming convention and SignalR proxy codes.

    JavaScript is a case-sensitive language where as Dotnet suggests CamelCasing. Calling a method on the server side goes through the proxy codes which is in javascript.