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Forcing upper triangle values to lower triangle values in matrix after melt

I have matrix

m = matrix(c(0,-1,-2,-3,1,0,-4,-5,2,4,0,-6,3,5,6,0),4,4)

which is not symmetric initially

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]    0    1    2    3
[2,]   -1    0    4    5
[3,]   -2   -4    0    6
[4,]   -3   -5   -6    0

I need to melt it first

mm = melt(m)

and only after that I would like to replace lower triangle values

> mm[melt(lower.tri(m))['value']==TRUE,]

   Var1 Var2 value
2     2    1    -1
3     3    1    -2
4     4    1    -3
7     3    2    -4
8     4    2    -5
12    4    3    -6

with upper triangle values

> mm[melt(upper.tri(m))['value']==TRUE,]

   Var1 Var2 value
5     1    2     1
9     1    3     2
10    2    3     4
13    1    4     3
14    2    4     5
15    3    4     6

I tried

mm[melt(lower.tri(m))['value']==TRUE,'value'] = mm[melt(upper.tri(m))['value']==TRUE,'value']

but the result

> mm
   Var1 Var2 value
1     1    1     0
2     2    1     1
3     3    1     2
4     4    1     4
5     1    2     1
6     2    2     0
7     3    2     3
8     4    2     5
9     1    3     2
10    2    3     4
11    3    3     0
12    4    3     6
13    1    4     3
14    2    4     5
15    3    4     6
16    4    4     0

is not symmetric for these two values pairs

   Var1 Var2 value
4     4    1     4
13    1    4     3

   Var1 Var2 value
7     3    2     3
10    2    3     4

Is there a beautiful way to make the matrix after melt symmetric by copying upper triangle values into lower triangle values?


  • Use the fact that Var2 (column index) for lower triangle will be smaller than the Var1 (row index).

    mm$value2 = sapply(1:NROW(mm), function(i){
        if (mm$Var2[i] - mm$Var1[i] < 0){
            mm$value[i] = mm$value[mm$Var1 == mm$Var2[i] & mm$Var2 == mm$Var1[i]]
    #   Var1 Var2 value value2
    #1     1    1     0      0
    #2     2    1    -1      1
    #3     3    1    -2      2
    #4     4    1    -3      3
    #5     1    2     1      1
    #6     2    2     0      0
    #7     3    2    -4      4
    #8     4    2    -5      5
    #9     1    3     2      2
    #10    2    3     4      4
    #11    3    3     0      0
    #12    4    3    -6      6
    #13    1    4     3      3
    #14    2    4     5      5
    #15    3    4     6      6
    #16    4    4     0      0