I'm trying to get min/max of file size in S3 bucket and I always get 3 values instead of one. I think it's controlled by pagination but I'm unable to disable it.
aws s3api list-objects-v2
--bucket my-bucket-dev
--prefix subscription/2019/04/01/23
--output text
--query 'sort_by(Contents,&Size)[:1].Size'
How do i get 616
as result without the need to sort locally?
NOTE: I tried sort(), min(), max() max_by(), --no-pagination, --page-size 100000
they all give at least 3 records as result.
aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket my-bucket --query 'sort_by(Contents,&Size)[0].Size'
The sort_by()
sorts by size, so you just want the first element by using [0]