I have a subscription that depends on the result of a previous subscription. I am using forkJoin so I don't have to nest them:
flatMap((res1) => this.service.service2(res1))
).subscribe((res2) => {
// Do something with res2.
The issue is that I need to modify the data before I call subscription #2. I would like to be able to do something like this:
flatMap((res1) => {
// Modify res1 data here.
// Make 2nd Api Call
).subscribe((res2) => {
// Do something with res2.
Do I need a different operator/syntax to achieve this or am I able to modify this approach?
You were not returning an observable from your flatMap, return this.service.service2(res1); would do the same as below.
map(res1 => //modify resp1 here)
flatMap((modifiedRes1) => this.service.service2(modifiedRes1)) // note the lack of brackets, this means we are returning the observable, your function returns void.
).subscribe((res2) => {
// Do something with res2.
The difference between
(res1) => this.service.service2(res1)
(res1) => {
Is that the first function returns an observable, the second one returns void.
(res1) => this.service.service2(res1)
(res1) => {
return this.service.service2(res1)
are equivalent. {} creates a block, that block needs a return statement if it is use in an arrow function.