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Image sent via symfony app fosuserbundle registration to Gmail is not showing

Please help, I am trying to attach image to Fosuserbundle registeration email template

<img style="display: block; margin: 0 auto"  src=" 
{{absolute_url(asset('build/images/logo.png'))}}" width="470" height="93" 
alt="Logo" title="Logo" />  

It is ok on other mail server except Gmail. I noticed gmail added it own link and the image is not showing

when I copied http://mysite/build/images/logo.43c7d6e8.png to the browser and checked, I saw the Image.

My first question is that can "." character break the link? Second question is that, how can I go about it?


  • What are you trying to prove with your links?

    If the email is not delievered: Make sure to use SSL to send your email and have the certificate signed for your domain. From: should have your domain, that resolves to your IP from which you are sending and also has a valid SPF record. Google found your E-Mail as a spam. If it is not in your spam folder, google just blocked it. Check your mail log (somewhere in /var/log*mail), it should have a link to google support page with instructions on how to make your mail to get delievered.

    No, . can't break a link.

    Click on show images in Gmail client to show images.