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How to use full objects in Angular reactive forms

I am updating some old angular forms and have an issue with setting the form to an entire instance of an object while also being able to set the initial value.

I have tried setting the [value]="option" to the entire object while having {{ option.$type }} but the initial value doesn't show up. I have also tried using [ngValue] but I get an error even when I import ReactiveFormModule

Current code:

<mat-form-field fxFlex="49">
    <mat-select placeholder="Type" formControlName="type" autocomplete="off" required>
        <mat-option *ngFor="let option of container$ | async" [value]="option.$type">{{ option.$type }}

I would prefer to have the whole container object as the value so I am able to access the option.$id later, but

this.editContainerForm.controls['type'].setValue(this.containerContext.$containerTypeName );

stops working even if i set the form with the entire container object.


  • Object are compared by reference in that case in order to use object as value must be the same reference

    this mean

    const a = {type$ : 'A'};
    const a2 = {type$:'A'}; 
    console.log(a === a2); // false 

    if you try to use object both object has to be the same refrence

      const a = {type$ : 'A'};
      const a2 = a; 
      console.log(a === a2); // true

    basic example

      data = [
      constructor(fb:FormBuilder) {
        this.form ={
        this.container$ = of(

    as you can see type has a value of the same refrence check the stackblitz demo 🔥🔥

    Updated! ✨

    you can provide [compareWith][2] a function to compare the option values with the selected values. The first argument is a value from an option. The second is a value from the selection. A boolean should be returned.

      compareWith(value , selectedValue ) {
        return value.$type === selectedValue.$type


    <mat-select placeholder="Type" formControlName="type" autocomplete="off" required [compareWith]="compareWith">
        <mat-option *ngFor="let option of container$ | async" [value]="option" >{{ option.$type }}

    stackblitz demo 🔥🔥