I would like to position UI elements at specific positions on an image, for all iPad resolutions. Imagine a ground plan with different icons/buttons on top. Each icon should be at a very specific position (e.g. exactly in the kitchen, floor, ...). When changing the device/resolution (iPad only) the icons should stay at the correct position, according to the background/ground plan imageView.
See the images (only quick examples): The smallest iPad (9.7") would be the correct position. The other image (12.9") shows the wrong position. (For all iPad sizes, I only chose two examples)
I can't get a way or idea to achieve this positioning problem.
You can do this by making your "bulb" positions relative to the size of the "floor plan" image view.
For example:
1800 x 1500
and your bulb images are 96 x 96
(I'm estimating, based on the images you posted)...276, 486
900 x 750
(half the original size)You would set:
xScale = 900 / 1800 (0.5)
yScale = 750 / 1500 (0.5)
bulb width = 96 * xScale
bulb height = 96 * yScale
bulb center = 276 * xScale, 486 * yScale
Here is some sample code that may help you get started:
class FloorPlanViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet var floorPlanView: UIImageView!
var bulbs: [UIImageView] = [UIImageView]()
var centers: [CGPoint] = [
CGPoint(x: 276, y: 486),
CGPoint(x: 276, y: 648),
CGPoint(x: 640, y: 486),
CGPoint(x: 640, y: 648),
CGPoint(x: 877, y: 486),
CGPoint(x: 877, y: 648),
override func viewDidLoad() {
for _ in centers {
let v = bulbImageView()
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
if let fpImage = floorPlanView.image {
let xScale = floorPlanView.frame.width / fpImage.size.width
let yScale = floorPlanView.frame.height / fpImage.size.height
for i in 0..<centers.count {
let thisCenter = centers[i]
let thisBulb = bulbs[i]
thisBulb.frame.size.width = 96.0 * xScale
thisBulb.frame.size.height = 96.0 * yScale
thisBulb.center = CGPoint(x: thisCenter.x * xScale, y: thisCenter.y * yScale)
func bulbImageView() -> UIImageView {
let v = UIImageView()
if let img = UIImage(named: "bulb96x96") {
v.image = img
} else {
v.backgroundColor = .red
return v