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On withdraw coinpayments error message "Transaction value exceeds per-TX limit!"

I'm trying to create a withdraw with LTCT using the coinpayments api with this PHP code

I've tried using CreateWithdraw method and ConvertCoins

$amount = (float)$total; // in usd
$currency1 = 'LTCT';

$add_tx_fee = 0; // 0 receiver pays for transaction charge

$currency2 = 'USD';

$address_to_send = trim($user->coinpayments_wallet_address);

$auto_confirm = 0;

$fields = array( "amount" => $amount,
                 "currency" => $currency1,
                 "currency2" => $currency2,

// "add_tx_fee" => $add_tx_fee,

"address" => $address_to_send,

"auto_confirm" => $auto_confirm, // set to 1 withdrawal will complete without email confirmation


$result = $cps->CreateWithdrawal($fields);

// this doesn't work also. It throws 'Conversion not possible error message'
//$result = $cps->ConvertCoins($amount, 'BTC', $currency2, $address_to_send);

but I get the following error message:

array:2 [▼
"error" => "Transaction value exceeds per-TX limit!"
"result" => []

But I was trying to get only a small amount like $5. So what's wrong?

I did some tests last week and worked just fine with conversion between ltct and dollar.


  • Ok, coinpayments support helped me out with this one...

    it was necessary to update the daily limit of transactions... my lack of experience with this...

    enter image description here

    now it works...

    enter image description here