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Bookshelf resolves promise but does not save into database

I want to know why using Bookshelf.js leaves Promises resolved, but actually does not save anything on a PostgreSQL database

The code was successfully working, but suddenly It stopped working, I'm using an AWS server with a Windows instance, and one thing I tried is to restart the server.

The first thing noticed, is that after the reboot, some Windows environment variables dissapeared, I added the Node.js, NPM, and PostgreSQL commands, but the code keeps on resolving without inserting.

In the code example below I added functions with the same pattern... create an instance of a Bookshelf model and save it.

 new Invoice(Info).save().then(model => {
      console.log('Saved Invoice');
      SaveAddOn(, AddOnData);
      console.log('Line 546',
      SaveReceiver(, ReceiverData);
      console.log('Line 548',
      SaveIssuer(, IssuerData);
      console.log('Line 550',
      SaveConcepts(, ConceptsData);
      console.log('Line 552',
      if(TaxesData!=null) {
        SaveTaxes(, TaxesData, true);
        console.log('Line 555',
      SaveRelatedInvoices(, RelatedInvoicesData);
      console.log('Line 558',
      CheckStatus(,re, rr, tt, id);
      console.log('Line 560',

One other thing is that the console.log() functions inside the then() method are not working, but every console.log() outside, they do...

I believe this is a common issue with Bookshelf, but I hope somebody can help me on how to approach this problem.


  • All this happened because some dependencies inside node_modules were broken after installing another package.

    After being overwhelmed and frustrated on how to resolve the problem I merged a local node_modules backup and the code started to work again.