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Retrieve nested element value with lodash

I am trying to use lodash in order to retrieve a value from a nested array element in an Array of JSON.
I want to retrieve the planned value from a specific budget.
I.e. Informing TI00104 should give me $ 130,00

I tried _.filter(my_json, {budgetList: {budget: 'TI00104'}}); but the return was an empty array.

var my_json = {  
    "expense":"Vehicle Rent",
    "expense_description":"Credit Card payment",
            "planned":"$ 130,00"
            "planned":"$ 140,00"

Could you guys help? Thanks in advance


  • Use _.find() instead of _.filter(), and it my_json.budgetList, and use a flat object as the predicate. Use _.get() to get the planned value.

    var my_json = {"department":"TI","fiscal_year":"2019","expense":"Vehicle Rent","expense_description":"Credit Card payment","user_cc":"2150","accounting_account":"34101022","budgetList":[{"budget":"TI00104","planned":"$ 130,00"},{"budget":"TI00105","planned":"$ 140,00"}]};
    var result = _.get(
      _.find(my_json.budgetList, {budget: 'TI00104'})
    , 'planned');
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