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Termination checker fails after abstracting the call site


I have a simple coinductive record with a single field of a sum type. Unit gives us a simple type to play with.

open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Sum

data Unit : Set where
  unit : Unit

record Stream : Set where
    step : Unit ⊎ Stream

open Stream


valid passes the termination checker:

valid : Maybe Unit → Stream
step (valid x) = inj₂ (valid x)


But say I want to eliminate the Maybe Unit member and only recurse when I have a just.

invalid₀ : Maybe Unit → Stream
step (invalid₀ x) = maybe (λ _ → inj₂ (invalid₀ x)) (inj₁ unit) x

Now the termination checker is unhappy!

Termination checking failed for the following functions:
Problematic calls:
  invalid₀ x

Why does this not satisfy the termination checker? Is there a way around this or is my conceptual understanding incorrect?


agda --version yields Agda version 2.6.0-7ae3882. I am compiling only with the default options.

The output of -v term:100 is here:

Attempted Solutions

  1. Use Agda version Does not fix.
  2. Use --termination-depth=10. Does not fix.


  • You could make use of sized types here.

    open import Data.Maybe
    open import Data.Sum
    open import Size
    data Unit : Set where
      unit : Unit
    record Stream {i : Size} : Set where
        step : {j : Size< i} → Unit ⊎ Stream {j}
    open Stream
    valid : Maybe Unit → Stream
    step (valid x) = inj₂ (valid x)
    invalid₀ : {i : Size} → Maybe Unit → Stream {i}
    step (invalid₀ x) = maybe (λ _ → inj₂ (invalid₀ x)) (inj₁ unit) x
    _ : step (invalid₀ (nothing)) ≡ inj₁ unit
    _ = refl
    _ : step (invalid₀ (just unit)) ≡ inj₂ (invalid₀ (just unit))
    _ = refl

    Being more explicit about the Size arguments in the definition of invalid₀:

    step (invalid₀ {i} x) {j} = maybe (λ _ → inj₂ (invalid₀ {j} x)) (inj₁ unit) x

    where j has type Size< i, so the recursive call to invalid₀ is on a “smaller” Size.

    Notice that valid, which didn't need any “help” to pass termination checking, doesn't need to reason about Size's at all.