I am using angularfire2 to push in Firebase on object with a status NEW. My backend is listening to writes on that list and will take actions on each new request with status NEW. I want to handle 3 possible outcomes: SUCCESS, ERROR and timeout.
add(book: Book) {
return this.authentication.user.pipe(
switchMap(user => {
// Set owner for the backend to handle correctly
// Add book request
const queueRef = this._afqueue.list(this.ADD_BOOK_QUEUE_PATH);
const pushPromise = queueRef.push({ status: { code: 'NEW' }, ...book })
.then(ref => {
console.log('Request to add a new book added to queue.');
return ref;
}) as Promise<any>;
return from(pushPromise);
switchMap(ref => {
return this._afqueue.object(this.ADD_BOOK_QUEUE_PATH + '/' + ref.key)
map(snap => snap['status']),
filter(status => status['code'] === 'SUCCESS' || status['code'] === 'ERROR'),
switchMap(status => {
if (status['code'] === 'SUCCESS') {
return Observable.create(function(observer) {
//return status['book_id'];
else if (status['code'] === 'ERROR') {
timeout(60000), // timeout after 60 secondes
Timeout occurs whether I receive an ERROR or a SUCCESS. How could I timeout only if I receive none after 60 secondes ?
I rewrote it this way, which is working:
add(book: Book) {
return this.authentication.user.pipe(
mergeMap(user => {
// Set owner for the backend to handle correctly
// Add book request
const queueRef = this._afqueue.list(this.ADD_BOOK_QUEUE_PATH);
const pushPromise = queueRef.push({ status: { code: 'NEW' }, ...book })
.then(ref => {
console.log('Request to add a new book added to queue.');
return ref;
}) as Promise<any>;
return from(pushPromise);
mergeMap(ref => {
return this._afqueue.object(this.ADD_BOOK_QUEUE_PATH + '/' + ref.key)
map(snap => snap['status']),
filter(status => (status['code'] === 'SUCCESS' || status['code'] === 'ERROR')),
timeout(60000), // timeout after 60 secondes
mergeMap(status => {
if (status['code'] === 'SUCCESS') {
return of(status['book_id']);
//return status['book_id'];
else if (status['code'] === 'ERROR') {