I've previously used a list as parameter to take in a variable/optional number of arguments to a keyword, and this has worked perfectly:
Keyword Name
[Arguments] ${otherVariable} @{args}
My question is how do I set up a default value for this, if the user omits any more values?
i.e. something like
Keyword Name
[Arguments] ${otherVariable} @{args}=['0']
Check is ${args}
empty, and if so - set the default value to it:
Keyword Name
[Arguments] ${otherVariable} @{args}
${args}= Run Keyword If not $args Create List 0
... ELSE Set Variable ${args} # varags were passed, leave it as is
This is analogous to this python code (RF is based on it, so a lot of approaches / recipes are the same/pretty close):
def keword(otherVariable, *args):
if not args: args = [0]