I'm making a script that selects a menu item. With inspect.exe I can see that the menu item as a property "Help Text" but with pywinauto I can't find that property.
Does pywinauto supports that kind of properties?
Edit:This is the code that I'm using to see the properties, this function receives a window open with Application(backend="uia")
button=window.child_window(title="Button_name", control_type="MenuItem")
classification_button = button.child_window(title="Top", control_type="MenuItem")
b = classification_button_company.get_properties()
output: {u'is_enabled': True, u'is_visible': True, u'texts': [u'Top'], u'class_name': u'NetUIAnchor', u'control_id': None, u'friendly_class_name': u'MenuItem', u'control_count': 1, u'has_keyboard_focus': False, u'is_keyboard_focusable': True, u'rectangle': }
Using the function legacy_properties() I was able to get the help text that I needed