I've been struggling with the /times option in LaTeX. I'd like to use the '×' character, but since I can't write it "raw" in the text I have to use /times to write it. The problem is I want to output this :
Générer une grille de taille N×M :
But it outputs instead Générer une grille de taille N× M
here is the codes I tried :
\paragraph{Générer une grille de taille N{\times}M :}
\paragraph{Générer une grille de taille N\times M :}
but all of them result in my "M" being in italic and it changes its font and I don't know how to prevent that... Any solution ?
P.S. : I'm sorry if there are spelling mistake, I'm still learning english.
You should be able to use
N $ \times $ M