I want to use an already implemented abstract class (which can be seen as "A" in my simple provided code) in my code. I defined class "B" to implement those pure virtual methods. The fact, here, is that the objects of this class cannot be copyable then, as the operator= is deleted in abstract class. I have class "Z" which has a data member of "B" class object. I want to initialize the object as you see in the code. But as it is a non-copyable one, for sure it show errors like use of deleted function ‘NS::B::B(NS::B&&)’ . I don't know how should I have this object as data member and also initialize it with proper data. The simple version of the code is as follow:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
namespace NS {
class A //abstract class
A() = default;
A& operator=(const A& other) = delete;
A(const A& other) = delete;
namespace NS {
class B : public A
B(int p);
namespace SI {
class Z
Z(int p, std::string name);
NS::B obj3;
typedef std::shared_ptr<SI::Z> ZPtr;
SI::Z::Z(int p, std::string name) : obj3(p)
namespace SI {
class Y
Y(int p);
SI::ZPtr obj2;
SI::Y::Y(int p) : obj2(std::make_shared<SI::Z>(SI::Z(p,"hi")))
To make the above compile:
Add the headers:
#include <string>
#include <memory>
You also need to be able to construct the A
so you need to make the constructors public:
class A //abstract class
public: // Added this:
A() = default;
Your main issue is here in making the shared object.
You don't need to constructed the SI::Z
object here (as it is not copyable this is an issue). What you want to do is pass the arguments that will be used to create the SI::Z
object. Then std::make_shared()
will call new and forward these parameters to the constructor.
obj2(std::make_shared<SI::Z>(p, "hi")) // Notice the diff?